Package-level declarations


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class AdaptationConfig(var initialBandwidthEstimateOverride: Long? = null, var maxSelectableVideoBitrate: Int = DEFAULT_MAX_SELECTABLE_VIDEO_BITRATE, var isRebufferingAllowed: Boolean = true, var preload: Boolean = DEFAULT_PRELOAD) : Parcelable

Configures the adaptation logic.

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open class AdaptationData
Holds information about the current adaptation.
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data class LabelingConfig(var subtitleLabeler: SubtitleLabeler? = null, var audioLabeler: AudioLabeler? = null, var videoQualityLabeler: VideoQualityLabeler? = null, var audioQualityLabeler: AudioQualityLabeler? = null) : Parcelable

Configures custom labeling.

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Defines how strictly potentially unsupported media tracks and qualities are filtered out of a playback session.

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data class MediaTrackRole(val schemeIdUri: String, val value: String? = null, val id: String? = null) : Parcelable

Describes the DASH Role of a Track as specified in ISO/IEC 23009-1:2019, section

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Represents a media type.

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open class MimeTypes
A class providing various mime types that can be used.
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interface Quality

Contains information about a media quality.

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abstract class Track(val url: String?, val type: TrackType?, val label: String? = null, val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), val isDefault: Boolean = false, val roles: List<MediaTrackRole> = emptyList()) : Parcelable

The base class for all tracks.

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Available track types.