Package-level declarations

Contains API to enable offline playback.


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data class DrmLicenseInformation(val licenseDuration: Long, val playbackDuration: Long)

Contains information about a DRM license.

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data class OfflineConfig(var maxSimultaneousDownloads: Int = 3, var maxSimultaneousSegmentDownloads: Int = 3, var requirements: Requirements = BitmovinDownloadService.DEFAULT_REQUIREMENTS, val tweaksConfig: OfflineTweaksConfig = OfflineTweaksConfig()) : Parcelable

Configures offline functionality.

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Provides the means to download and store sources locally that can be played back with a Player without an active network connection. An OfflineContentManager instance can be created via the OfflineContentManager.getOfflineContentManager function.

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data class OfflineErrorEvent(val code: OfflineErrorCode, val message: String, val data: Any? = null) : ErrorEvent
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open class OfflineSourceConfig(url: String, type: SourceType, val drmId: ByteArray?, cacheDirectory: File, trackStateFile: File?, val isRestrictToOffline: Boolean, resourceIdentifierCallback: ResourceIdentifierCallback? = null) : SourceConfig

Represents the offline version of a SourceConfig. Altering this object could result in undefined behaviour.

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data class OfflineTweaksConfig(val shouldAutomaticallyHandleDrmLicenses: Boolean = true) : Parcelable

This configuration is used as an incubator for experimental features. Tweaks are not officially supported and are not guaranteed to be stable, i.e. their naming, functionality and API can change at any time within the tweaks or when being promoted to an official feature and moved into its final configuration namespace.

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A callback used to provide an identifier for a resource located at a given URL. Resource in this case refers to all downloaded objects of the source, including e.g. the manifest or segments. The returned identifier has to be unique within the current source and must not change throughout the lifecycle of the downloaded content.