Bitmovin Android Player

The Bitmovin Android Player internally consists of multiple modules that aren't meant to be included directly. Only the top-level player module should be included in your project.

The player can be included with Gradle by adding the following to your build.gradle.kts file:


Optional dependencies:


In order to use advertising functionality, the following dependencies must be added manually



In order to use casting functionality, the following dependency must be added manually


Offline playback

In order to use offline functionality, the following dependency must be added manually


Additionally, the permission for checking the network state is required

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

Additional resources:

All modules:

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The player-analytics module provides an integration for the Bitmovin Analytics Collector.

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The player-core module contains all non web UI related API of the Bitmovin Android Player SDK.

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The player-ui-web module provides an integration for the Bitmovin Player Web UI. It comes with a com.bitmovin.player.PlayerView and default UI handling to an attached com.bitmovin.player.api.Player instance.