
data class WebUi(val cssLocation: String = "file:///android_asset/bitmovinplayer-ui.css", val supplementalCssLocation: String? = null, val jsLocation: String = "file:///android_asset/bitmovinplayer-ui.js", val playbackSpeedSelectionEnabled: Boolean = true, val forceSubtitlesIntoViewContainer: Boolean = true) : UiConfig

Configures the visual presentation and behaviour of the Bitmovin Web UI.

The Web UI is hosted in a WebView. For debugging the Web UI, it is possible to set WebView.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled in code or android:debuggable="true" in the app manifest to enable debugging of all WebView contents i.e. globally for the app.


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constructor(cssLocation: String = "file:///android_asset/bitmovinplayer-ui.css", supplementalCssLocation: String? = null, jsLocation: String = "file:///android_asset/bitmovinplayer-ui.js", playbackSpeedSelectionEnabled: Boolean = true, forceSubtitlesIntoViewContainer: Boolean = true)


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The URI pointing to the CSS file that will be used for the Bitmovin Web UI. Default value is "file:///android_asset/bitmovinplayer-ui.css", using the local default UI style.

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When set to true the Bitmovin Player Web UI forces subtitles back into their respective container if they overflow and are therefore cropped.

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The URI pointing to the JS file that will be used for the Bitmovin Web UI. Default value is "file:///android_asset/bitmovinplayer-ui.js", using the local default UI JS.

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Whether the Bitmovin Web UI will show playback speed selection options in the settings menu. Default is true.

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The URI pointing to the supplemental CSS file that will be used for the Bitmovin Web UI. The contained styles will be added to the CSS file specified in cssLocation. Default is null.