Package-level declarations


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data class AdPricing(val value: Double?, val model: String?, val currency: String?)

Used to provide a value that represents a price that can be used by real-time bidding (RTB) systems. Specified in Inline.Pricing in the VAST response.

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data class AdSurvey(val uri: String?, val type: String?)

URI to any resource relating to an integrated survey. Specified in InLine.Survey in the VAST response.

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data class AdSystem(val name: String, val version: String?)

Describes the ad system that returned the ad. Specified in InLine.AdSystem in the VAST response.

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data class Advertiser(val name: String?, val id: String?)

Describes he advertiser as defined by the ad serving party. Specified in InLine.Advertiser in the VAST response.

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data class Creative(val id: String?, val adId: String?, val universalAdId: UniversalAdId?)

Contains various data about the Creative. Specified in InLine.Creative or Wrapper.Creative in the VAST Response.

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data class UniversalAdId(val idRegistry: String?, val value: String?)

Describes a unique creative identifier that is maintained across systems. Specified in Creative.UniversalAdId in the VAST response.

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interface VastAdData : AdData

Holds various additional ad data that's available in the VAST response.