Package-level declarations

Contains API to enable DRM playback.


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@RequiresApi(value = 21)
class ClearKeyConfig(val entries: ClearKeyConfigEntry) : DrmConfig

Configures ClearKey key/value pairs to enable decryption of ClearKey protected content.

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@RequiresApi(value = 21)
data class ClearKeyConfigEntry(val key: String, val kid: String? = null) : Parcelable

Represents a single ClearKey key/id pair.

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abstract class DrmConfig : Parcelable

Configures decryption of DRM protected content.

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data class DrmData(val data: ByteArray, val type: DrmData.Type)

Represents DRM information of type DrmData.Type.

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class DrmRequest(val drmData: DrmData, url: String, headers: Map<String?, String?>?, body: ByteArray?, httpMethod: String) : HttpRequest

An HTTP request for DRM information.

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Can be implemented to prepare the license acquisition response.

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Can be implemented to prepare the license acquisition message which will be sent to the license acquisition server.

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Configures decryption of a Widevine DRM protected Source.