
abstract class DrmConfig : Parcelable

Configures decryption of DRM protected content.



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constructor(licenseUrl: String?, uuid: UUID)


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class Builder(var licenseUrl: String? = null, var uuid: UUID? = null, var httpHeaders: MutableMap<String?, String?>? = null)


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A Map containing the HTTP request headers, or null

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Indicates if the license is renewable. Only relevant if the asset is stored for offline playback. When downloading new tracks the DRM license is updated in different ways, depending on this property:

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Returns the license url.

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@get:JvmName(name = "shouldKeepDrmSessionsAlive")
@set:JvmName(name = "setKeepDrmSessionsAlive")
var shouldKeepDrmSessionsAlive: Boolean

Indicates if the DRM sessions should be kept alive after a source is unloaded. This allows DRM sessions to be reused over several different source items with the same DRM configuration as well as the same DRM scheme information. Default: false

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var uuid: UUID

Returns the UUID.


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open override fun describeContents(): Int
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open override fun writeToParcel(dest: Parcel, flags: Int)