
data class OfflineConfig(var maxSimultaneousDownloads: Int = 3, var maxSimultaneousSegmentDownloads: Int = 3, var deviceStateRequirements: Set<DeviceStateRequirement> = BitmovinDownloadService.DEFAULT_DEVICE_STATE_REQUIREMENTS, val tweaksConfig: OfflineTweaksConfig = OfflineTweaksConfig()) : Parcelable

Configures offline functionality.


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constructor(maxSimultaneousDownloads: Int = 3, maxSimultaneousSegmentDownloads: Int = 3, deviceStateRequirements: Set<DeviceStateRequirement> = BitmovinDownloadService.DEFAULT_DEVICE_STATE_REQUIREMENTS, tweaksConfig: OfflineTweaksConfig = OfflineTweaksConfig())


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The requirements that must be met in order for downloads to be active. Default: Any Network connection.

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The number of maximum allowed simultaneous download tasks. Default value is 3.

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The number of maximum allowed simultaneous segment downloads per download task. Default value is 3.

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Configures experimental offline features. Default: A default OfflineTweaksConfig.