Package-level declarations


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abstract class AdaptiveSource : MediaSource
Base class for all adaptive media sources.
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Represents a DASH media source.
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Represents a HLS media source.
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Contains the different loading states a Source can be in.

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abstract class MediaSource : Parcelable
Base class for all media sources.
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Represents a progressive media source.
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Represents a Smooth Streaming media source.
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Represents audio and video content that can be loaded into a Player to start a playback session. A source instance can be created via the Source() function and will idle until it is loaded into a player. After loading the source into a player, isAttachedToPlayer is true and the same source can not be loaded into a different player until unloaded.

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open class SourceConfig(val url: String, val type: SourceType, var title: String? = null, var description: String? = null, var posterSource: String? = null, var isPosterPersistent: Boolean = false, var subtitleTracks: List<SubtitleTrack> = emptyList(), var thumbnailTrack: ThumbnailTrack? = null, var drmConfig: DrmConfig? = null, var labelingConfig: LabelingConfig = LabelingConfig(), var vrConfig: VrConfig = VrConfig(), var videoCodecPriority: List<String> = emptyList(), var audioCodecPriority: List<String> = emptyList(), var options: SourceOptions = SourceOptions(), var metadata: Map<String, String>? = null, var liveConfig: SourceLiveConfig? = null) : Parcelable

Configures a Source that can be loaded into a Player.

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data class SourceOptions(var startOffset: Double? = null, var startOffsetTimelineReference: TimelineReferencePoint? = null) : Parcelable
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Available types for a Source.

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Reference points on a timeline to allow definition of relative offsets.