
data class LowLatencySynchronizationConfig(var playbackRateThreshold: Double = DEFAULT_PLAYBACK_RATE_THRESHOLD, var seekThreshold: Double = DEFAULT_SEEK_THRESHOLD, var playbackRate: Float) : Parcelable

Configures target latency synchronization behaviour.


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constructor(playbackRateThreshold: Double = DEFAULT_PLAYBACK_RATE_THRESHOLD, seekThreshold: Double = DEFAULT_SEEK_THRESHOLD, playbackRate: Float)


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object Companion


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The playback rate used to reach the target latency if the playbackRateThreshold is exceeded.

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The threshold in seconds for the current latency that triggers synchronization to the target latency by altering the playback rate.

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The threshold in seconds for the current latency that triggers synchronization to the target latency by time-shifting.