Interface UIConditionContext

The context that will be passed to a UIConditionResolver to determine if it's conditions fulfil the context.

interface UIConditionContext {
    adRequiresUi: boolean;
    documentWidth: number;
    isAd: boolean;
    isFullscreen: boolean;
    isMobile: boolean;
    isPlaying: boolean;
    width: number;


adRequiresUi: boolean

Tells if the current ad requires an external UI, if #isAd is true.

documentWidth: number

The width of the document where the player/UI is embedded in.

isAd: boolean

Tells if the player is loading or playing an ad.

isFullscreen: boolean

Tells if the player is currently in fullscreen mode.

isMobile: boolean

Tells if the UI is running in a mobile browser.

isPlaying: boolean

Tells if the player is in playing or paused state.

width: number

The width of the player/UI element.