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External module Core.Config

The entry point to the player configuration is the PlayerConfig interface, which is passed into the constructor of the player. There are several ways to do this:

1) When the full player is loaded from the CDN via <source> tag:

const player = new bitmovin.player.Player(container, config);

2) Whe the player is loaded from the CDN via RequireJS:

requirejs(['<cdn_url>'], (bitmovinplayer) => {
  const player = new bitmovinplayer.Player(container, config);

3) When the player is imported from NPM:

import { Player } from 'bitmovin-player';
const player = new Player(container, config);

Example configuration:

  playback: {
    autoplay: false,
    muted: false
  style: {
    width: '90%',
    aspectratio: '16/9',
  events: {
    [PlayerEvent.SourceLoaded]: myFunc,
    [PlayerEvent.Play]: () => {
      // do some awesome stuff
    [PlayerEvent.Error]: myErrorHandlingFunc
  tweaks: {
    startup_threshold?: 5;
  advertising: {
    adBreaks: [{
      tag: {
        url: 'http://your.ad.provider/manifest.xml',
        type: 'vast',

Example source:

  dash: 'https://path/to/mpd/file.mpd',
  hls: 'https://path/to/hls/playlist/file.m3u8',
  smooth: 'https://path/to/manifest/file/Manifest',
  progressive: [{
    url: 'http://path/to/mp4',
    type: 'video/mp4'
  }, {
    url: 'http://path/to/webm',
    type: 'video/webm'
  poster: 'images/poster.jpg',
  drm: {
    widevine: {
      LA_URL: 'https://mywidevine.licenseserver.com/'
    playready: {
      LA_URL: 'https://myplayready.licenseserver.com/'
    access: {
      LA_URL: 'https://myaccess.licenseserver.com/',
    primetime: {
      LA_URL: 'https://myprimetime.licenseserver.com/'
    fairplay: {
      LA_URL: 'https://fairplay.licenseserver.com/',
      certificateURL: 'https://fairplay.licenseserver.com/certificate-url'


Type aliases


Bitrate: number | string

Specifies a bitrate either as number in bits per second (bps) or as a string with the unit, such as mbps (megabits per second), kbps (kilobits per second) or bps (bits per second). Example: '5000kbps'


UIConfig: any

Placeholder type for the Bitmovin Player UI's UIConfig. https://github.com/bitmovin/bitmovin-player-ui

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