Configuration interface for properties used for live streams.


synchronization: [{
method: LiveSynchronizationMethod.HttpHead,
serverUrl: '',
interface LiveConfig {
    incrementalManifestUpdates?: boolean;
    lowLatency?: LowLatencyConfig;
    synchronization?: SynchronizationConfigEntry[];


incrementalManifestUpdates?: boolean

Flag to control whether incremental manifest updates are made instead of full updates, provided that the current source supports it.

Incremental updates improve network and client processing efficiency by reducing the amount of data being transferred and processed.

This feature is currently supported for HLS sources that support Playlist Delta Updates.

Default is true.

lowLatency?: LowLatencyConfig

Configuration to enable maintaining a desired live latency.

synchronization?: SynchronizationConfigEntry[]

Configuration to enable the synchronization of the client-clock with an external time source.