Emitted when a playback session was started. This event is emitted immediately after the load call und does not wait for actual data to be loaded.
Emitted when an ad break has finished.
Emitted when an ad break has started.
Emitted when an ad was clicked.
Emitted when an ad has finished playback.
Emitted when the linearity of a VPAID ad changes.
Emitted when the download of an ad manifest is started.
Emitted when an ad manifest was successfully loaded.
Emitted when the playback of an ad has progressed over a quartile boundary.
Emitted when an ad manifest was successfully downloaded, parsed and added into the ad break schedule.
Emitted when an ad was skipped.
Emitted when the playback of an ad has started.
Emitted when the current audio playback quality has changed.
Emitted when casting to a cast-compatible device is available.
Emitted when the playback on a cast-compatible device was paused.
Emitted when the playback on a cast-compatible device has finished.
Emitted when playback on a cast-compatible device has started.
Emitted when casting is initiated, but the user still needs to choose which device should be used.
Emitted when the cast app is launched successfully.
Emitted when casting to a cast-compatible device is stopped.
Emitted when the time update from the currently used cast-compatible device is received.
Emitted when a cast-compatible device has been chosen and the player is waiting for the device to get ready for playback.
Emitted when a subtitle cue transitions into the active status.
Emitted when an active subtitle cue transitions into the inactive status.
Emitted when the player was destroyed.
Emitted when video frames have been dropped.
Emitted when the player is paused or in buffering state and the timeShift offset has exceeded the available timeShift window.
Emitted when a player error occurred.
Emitted for every frame that will be rendered onto the video surface. This event needs to be enabled via setting the TweaksConfig.enableFrameAboutToBeRenderedEvent to true
. The event will be emitted on the playback thread. It is very important that handling this event must be done very efficient to not block the playback thread.
Emitted when the fullscreen functionality has been disabled.
Emitted when the fullscreen functionality has been enabled.
Emitted when the player enters fullscreen mode.
Emitted when the player exits fullscreen mode.
Emitted when an impression call succeeded.
Emitted when the active playback session was stopped.
Emitted for neutral information provided by the player. The information provided with this event is only for analytical purposes and are subject to change. Thus, neither the timing nor the content should be used to trigger workflows, but may be used for logging.
Emitted when a licensing call succeeded.
Emitted when metadata (e.g. Id3Frame in HLS and EventMessage in DASH) is encountered.
Emitted when the player is muted on either the local device or on a cast-compatible device.
Emitted when the player is paused.
Emitted when the availability of the Picture-in-Picture mode changed.
Emitted when the player enters Picture-In-Picture mode.
Emitted when the player exits Picture-In-Picture mode.
Emitted when the player receives an intention to play (i.e
Emitted when playback of the Source has finished. If multiple sources are loaded into the player via a PlaylistConfig, the event is emitted when playback of the last Source in the playlist finished.
Emitted when the player enters the playing state after calling
Emitted when the player transitions between two sources in a playlist.
Emitted when the player is ready to play and to handle API calls.
Emitted when the first frame of the current video is rendered onto the video surface.
Emitted when the PlayerView.getScalingMode is changed.
Emitted when the player starts seeking. Only applies to VoD streams. Refer to TimeShift for live streams.
Emitted when seeking has finished and data is available to continue playback. Only applies to VoD streams. Refer to TimeShifted for live streams.
Emitted when the player ends stalling due to enough data being buffered.
Emitted when the player begins to stall and to buffer due to an empty buffer.
Emitted when the current playback time has changed.
Emitted when time shifting has finished and data is available to continue playback. Only applies to live streams. Refer to Seeked for VoD streams.
Emitted when the player is unmuted on either the local device or on a cast-compatible device.
Emitted when the current video playback quality has changed.
Emitted when the current size of the video content has changed.
Emitted when the VR stereo mode during playback of VR content changes.
Emitted when the VR viewing direction changes. The minimal interval between two consecutive event callbacks is specified through VrConfig.viewingDirectionChangeEventInterval.
Emitted when the VR viewing direction did not change more than the specified threshold in the last interval, after the VrViewingDirectionChange event was triggered. The threshold can be set through setVRViewingDirectionChangeThreshold.
Emitted when a player warning occurred.