ariaWCAG20 standard for defining info about the component (usually the name)
componentsChild components of the container.
cssThe CSS classes of the component. This is usually the class from where the component takes its styling.
cssAdditional CSS classes of the component.
cssA prefix to prepend all CSS classes with.
disabledSpecifies if the component is enabled (interactive) or not. Default: false
hiddenSpecifies if the component should be hidden at startup. Default: false
idThe HTML ID of the component. Default: automatically generated with pattern 'ui-id-{guid}'.
messagesAllows overwriting of the error messages displayed in the overlay for customization and localization. This is either a function that receives any ErrorEvent as parameter and translates error messages, or a map of error codes that overwrites specific error messages with a plain string or a function that receives the ErrorEvent as parameter and returns a customized string. The translation functions can be used to extract data (e.g. parameters) from the original error message.
Example 1 (catch-all translation function):
errorMessageOverlayConfig = {
messages: function(error) {
switch (error.code) {
// Overwrite error 1000 'Unknown error'
case 1000:
return 'Houston, we have a problem'
// Transform error 1201 'The downloaded manifest is invalid' to uppercase
case 1201:
var description = ErrorUtils.defaultErrorMessages[error.code];
return description.toUpperCase();
// Customize error 1207 'The manifest could not be loaded'
case 1207:
var statusCode = error.data.statusCode;
return 'Manifest loading failed with HTTP error ' + statusCode;
// Return unmodified error message for all other errors
return error.message;
} };
Example 2 (translating specific errors):
errorMessageOverlayConfig = {
messages: {
// Overwrite error 1000 'Unknown error'
1000: 'Houston, we have a problem',
// Transform error 1201 'Unsupported manifest format' to uppercase
1201: function(error) {
var description = ErrorUtils.defaultErrorMessages[error.code];
return description.toUpperCase();
// Customize error 1207 'The manifest could not be loaded'
1207: function(error) {
var statusCode = error.data.statusCode;
return 'Manifest loading failed with HTTP error ' + statusCode;
} };
roleSpecifies the component role for WCAG20 standard
tabWCAG20 requirement for screen reader navigation
tagThe HTML tag name of the component. Default: 'div'
Configuration interface for the ErrorMessageOverlay.