Interface ContainerConfig

Configuration interface for a Container.

interface ContainerConfig {
    ariaLabel?: LocalizableText;
    components?: Component<ComponentConfig>[];
    cssClass?: string;
    cssClasses?: string[];
    cssPrefix?: string;
    disabled?: boolean;
    hidden?: boolean;
    id?: string;
    role?: string;
    tabIndex?: number;
    tag?: string;

Hierarchy (view full)


ariaLabel?: LocalizableText

WCAG20 standard for defining info about the component (usually the name)

components?: Component<ComponentConfig>[]

Child components of the container.

cssClass?: string

The CSS classes of the component. This is usually the class from where the component takes its styling.

cssClasses?: string[]

Additional CSS classes of the component.

cssPrefix?: string

A prefix to prepend all CSS classes with.

disabled?: boolean

Specifies if the component is enabled (interactive) or not. Default: false

hidden?: boolean

Specifies if the component should be hidden at startup. Default: false

id?: string

The HTML ID of the component. Default: automatically generated with pattern 'ui-id-{guid}'.

role?: string

Specifies the component role for WCAG20 standard

tabIndex?: number

WCAG20 requirement for screen reader navigation

tag?: string

The HTML tag name of the component. Default: 'div'