Interface VolumeControlButtonConfig

Configuration interface for a VolumeControlButton.

interface VolumeControlButtonConfig {
    ariaLabel?: LocalizableText;
    components?: Component<ComponentConfig>[];
    cssClass?: string;
    cssClasses?: string[];
    cssPrefix?: string;
    disabled?: boolean;
    hidden?: boolean;
    hideDelay?: number;
    id?: string;
    role?: string;
    tabIndex?: number;
    tag?: string;
    vertical?: boolean;

Hierarchy (view full)


ariaLabel?: LocalizableText

WCAG20 standard for defining info about the component (usually the name)

components?: Component<ComponentConfig>[]

Child components of the container.

cssClass?: string

The CSS classes of the component. This is usually the class from where the component takes its styling.

cssClasses?: string[]

Additional CSS classes of the component.

cssPrefix?: string

A prefix to prepend all CSS classes with.

disabled?: boolean

Specifies if the component is enabled (interactive) or not. Default: false

hidden?: boolean

Specifies if the component should be hidden at startup. Default: false

hideDelay?: number

The delay after which the volume slider will be hidden when there is no user interaction. Care must be taken that the delay is long enough so users can reach the slider from the toggle button, e.g. by mouse movement. If the delay is too short, the sliders disappears before the mouse pointer has reached it and the user is not able to use it. Default: 500ms

id?: string

The HTML ID of the component. Default: automatically generated with pattern 'ui-id-{guid}'.

role?: string

Specifies the component role for WCAG20 standard

tabIndex?: number

WCAG20 requirement for screen reader navigation

tag?: string

The HTML tag name of the component. Default: 'div'

vertical?: boolean

Specifies if the volume slider should be vertically or horizontally aligned. Default: true