
public class PlayerErrorEvent : PlayerEvent, @unchecked Sendable

See PlayerListener for more information on this event.

Possible error codes for PlayerErrorEvent:

Code Description
1002 Verification of the player license key failed. A valid license must be provided in the Info.plist file or via PlayerConfig.key.
1003 The license request failed or was denied by the server. One possible reason is that the Bundle ID of the app is not authorized for the specified player license key. Make sure that the Bundle ID of the application is registered for the license key provided in the Info.plist file or in the PlayerConfiguration. This can be done in the Bitmovin dashboard.
1004 A general error code for Advertising errors.
1200 A general error code for network errors.

All other error codes are provided by OS frameworks such as CoreMedia, AVFoundation, CFNetworking etc. These error codes can be negative values and many of them are not documented by Apple.

  • The error code represented as enum value.



    @available(*, deprecated, message: "Use `errorCode` instead to have a more detailed error code")
    public let code: PlayerError.Code
  • The raw error code represented as Integer. See documentation of PlayerErrorEvent for possible error codes.



    public let errorCode: Int
  • Message associated with the error event.



    public let message: String
  • Additional deficiency data if any.



    public let data: DeficiencyData?
  • Declaration


    override public var name: String { get }
  • Declaration


    public convenience init(code: PlayerError.Code, message: String, data: DeficiencyData?)
  • Declaration


    public init(code: PlayerError.Code, errorCode: Int, message: String, data: DeficiencyData?)