
public protocol Logger

This protocol can be implemented to gather more detailed information about what is happening within the SDK for all top-level entities and APIs. For example, Player, Source and PlayerView entities, as well as Offline components.

It is implemented by default within the SDK to print a single log entry to the console. A log entry contains details such as log level, which entity or API is sending the log, a log message, the date and time the log entry was created, and if applicable, a warning or error code and extra data about the warning or error. See LogEntry for more details.

To create your own custom logger to receive and optionally print a log entry in your integration, provide an instance that conforms to this protocol. An example custom logger is:

public class CustomLogger: Logger {
    public var level: LogLevel = .info

    func log(_ logEntry: LogEntry) {
        var logDetails: [String] = []

        if let code = logEntry.code {
            logDetails.append("code: \(code)")

        if let data = logEntry.data {
            var dataDetails: [String] = []
            dataDetails.append("Data code: \(data.code), message: \(data.message)")
            dataDetails.append("underlying error: \(data.underlyingError)")

            logDetails.append("[" + dataDetails.joined(separator: ", ") + "]")

        print("[CustomLog] \(logDetails.joined(separator: " "))")

To implement your custom logger, assign it as the logger in the logging config:

    DebugConfig.logging.logger = CustomLogger()
  • The minimum log level that is used to filter log output.

    Default minimum level is .warning.



    var level: LogLevel { get set }
  • Will be called for every log the SDK produces



    func log(_ logEntry: LogEntry)



    the LogEntry contains the details of the log