
1000 - general errors

  • 1000 - 1099: GENERAL
  • 1100 - 1199: SETUP
  • 1200 - 1299: SOURCE
  • 1300 - 1399: PLAYBACK
  • 1400 - 1499: NETWORK

2000 - extended use cases

  • 2000 - 2099: DRM
  • 2100 - 2199: VR

3000 - module errors

  • 3000 - 3099: MODULE generic
  • 3100 - 3199: MODULE_ADVERTISING only for external modules

4000 - Segment specific errors

Enumeration Members

Enumeration Members


The player API was accessed after the player instance has been destroyed by either calling destroy or after an Error event has been thrown. Note that the player is destroyed automatically whenever an Error event is thrown.

The Bitmovin Player UI or other third party UIs might access the API after the player was destroyed or has crashed, causing this error to be thrown.

It is recommended to not access the player API after the Destroy event has been thrown in order to avoid this error.


The DRM certificate specified in the DRMConfig is not valid, the player was unable to parse the provided certificate or the network request for the certificate failed.

This error can be thrown under the following conditions:

Please verify that license and/or server certificate URLs are correct, and that the server certificate specified in the DRM config is valid, if one was specified.


The DRM license request failed.

This error occurs when a DRM license request fails and the player could not retrieve a valid license from the license server. It can occur for a multitude of different reasons, but the most common ones include:

  • the license server rejecting the license request, possible due to a misconfiguration or missing/expired tokens
  • an incorrect DRM configuration being used, especially on smart TVs or set-top boxes, and preparing of the license request therefore failing

Troubleshooting steps for license requests rejected by the DRM license server include:

  • making sure that the license server is set up properly, e.g. that CORS allows license requests from different domains
  • inspecting the detailed error message which is usually returned by the license server in the body of the license response
  • ensuring, that all required HttpHeaders are set in the DRMConfig and e.g. tokens are valid and not expired

Some smart TVs also need special configuration options for PlayReady protected content playback. For example, most platforms required both plaintextChallenge and utf8message to be set, along with Content-Type headers. If those options are not set, DRM license requests may fail.

An example of such a PlayReadyDRMConfig, that needs to be used on most smart TVs, is shown below.


utf8message: true,
plaintextChallenge: true,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'text/xml',

No init data was found for the used key system in the manifest or the segments.

In order to start a DRM license request, DRM init data is needed. This init data may be present in the manifest, the segments of the stream, or both. If no init data could be found in the manifest or the segments, the player will be unable to start a DRM license request and therefore throw this error.

Please make sure that the DRM init data is present in the manifest and/or the segments of the stream.


The video element or an associated DRM Key Session has thrown a DRM key error.

This error is triggered by the key session or the video element when a DRM error is encountered during playback. There are multiple different possible causes for this error, but the most common ones are:

  • the device/browser being unable to generate a DRM license request for the init data provided in the content
  • the init data being malformed
  • the Content Decryption Module not being able to parse/process the DRM license returned by the license server
  • the Content Decryption Module encountering a general DRM related error during playback

On certain platforms, a detailed error message is logged to the console, if one is available.


Unable to create or initialize a DRM key session.

This error might occur during the initialization of a DRM Media Key Session which is used to both start DRM license requests as well as providing the Content Decryption Module with the licenses returned by the license server.

As the DRM init data is used to generate Media Key Sessions, this error can be an indication of the init data being invalid or not supported on the current platform.

Please verify, that the init data provided to the player is valid.


Key size is not supported.


No supported Fairplay Key System is available.

This error occurs when an attempt is made to play back a Fairplay protected stream on a platform that doesn't support any of the required Fairplay Key Systems.

Please try to use a different DRM key system that is supported by the current platform. It is possible, and recommended, to define more than one key system configuration in the DRMConfig. The player will then choose the first key system, that is supported by the platform, and use it to play back the content.


The DRM Media Keys object could not be created or initialized.

The Media Keys object is associated to the video element and used to create Media Key Sessions, which are used to interface with the Content Decryption Module. This error might occur if the creation of the Media Keys, or attaching them the video element failed, which can happen because the key system is not supported by the platform or the data provided to create the instance is not valid.

Please check the logs to determine the exact reason of the failure.


An attempt was made to play back a Fairplay protected stream, but no DRM configuration was provided in the drm.

In order to play back Fairplay protected content, it is necessary to specify a AppleFairplayDRMConfig in drm, as the DRM licenses required to decode and play back the content can otherwise not be requested by the player.

An example Fairplay DRM configuration can be seen in AppleFairplayDRMConfig.


The current platform doesn't support any of the key systems specified in the SourceConfig that are required to play back the content.

Different platforms support different DRM key systems, and when multiple key system configurations are provided in the drm, the first supported one is chosen. If, however, the current platform doesn't support any of the key systems provided in the source config, this error will be thrown.

A feature matrix, describing what DRM key systems are supported where by the Bitmovin Player, can be found at

In order to support DRM protected content playback on most platforms it is recommended to supply at least a PlayReadyDRMConfig and a WidevineModularDRMConfig for DRM protected sources.


The Fairplay licensing server URL is missing in the provided AppleFairplayDRMConfig.

This error occurs when the Fairplay license server URL (LA_URL) is missing. The license server url can either be provided directly in the LA_URL, or it can provided through the getLicenseServerUrl callback, which is called with the init data of the content and must return the license server url.

Please make sure that the license server url is correctly set.


Invalid header key/value pair encountered while parsing a PlayReady license request.

This error can occur, when the XML provided to the player through the DRM key-message event is malformed or contains invalid DRM request headers.



Replaced by the Warning DRM_RESTRICTED_OUTPUT

The DRM protected content cannot be played back due to the device not being able to securely present the content.

This error can occur when an attempt is made to play back DRM protected content on a device or platform that is not capable of playing back the content in a secure manner. In most cases, this error occurs when a non-HDCP-capable monitor is connected to the system.

The security level required to play back DRM protected content can also be configured on the DRM license server side. In order to lessen the required security level, and to e.g. allow content playback on platforms that for example don't support hardware decryption, please contact you DRM provider.

Since 8.138.0 The player will only fire a warning event for the DRM key which is restricted and try to fall back to a different key. Only after all keys have been exhausted a SOURCE_ERROR will be thrown.


An advertising module error has occurred. Refer to the attached AdvertisingError.

This error is triggered when an error happens during a client side ad break playback. The code contains a VastErrorCode and can be used to identify the exact error.


A module cannot be loaded because one or more dependencies are missing.

This error occurs when a module, that has dependencies on other modules, is added without adding all of its dependencies first.

Refer to ModuleName to determine the dependencies of the modules you're trying to add and ensure, that all dependencies are added before adding the module that depends on them.


The definition of the module is invalid (e.g. incomplete).

This error is triggered when addModule is called with an invalid module definition, for example when the name or the module property is missing.

Make sure the custom module definition is valid and follows the specification.


The module definition specifies dependencies but the module is not provided via a function for deferred loading.

This error is triggered when addModule is called with a custom module that defines dependencies, but the module is exported directly rather than through a function that can be invoked at a later point in time.

Make sure the custom module definition is valid and follows the specification.


A module cannot be loaded because it has not been added to the player core.

This error occurs when a feature is used that needs a specific module to be loaded, but that module has not been added to the player. For example, when playing back a WebM stream, the ContainerWebM module is needed. Should that module not be present, this error will be thrown.

Please make sure all the required modules are loaded. Refer to ModuleName to determine, which modules are needed to supported the desired features.


A module has been removed from the player core. The error is triggered when a module is removed when there are active player instances.

This error occurs when a module is removed from the player core using removeModule.


A general network error has occurred while downloading resource E.g.: the manifest or a segment of the stream.

When a segment request fails, the player tries to load the same segment of different quality from a different CDN, if provided. If all of the request fails, this error is thrown. For HLS streams, backup streams are used to get the same segment from a different origin.

For live streams, failed segment downloads are per default ignored and the player continues with the next segment instead of throwing an error.

Please look at the response of the failed network request to determine the exact reason of the failure.


The Fairplay DRM certificate request failed.

This error occurs when the Fairplay certificate could not be loaded due to a network error. Please check the network response in the error to determine the exact failure reason.

Per default, the certificate request is retried once. The number of retries can be set using maxCertificateRequestRetries


The manifest download request timed out.

This error occurs when the manifest request was not completed within the default timeout of 20 seconds, and the request was therefore aborted, which is usually an indication of a poor network connection.

When the native player is used with an HLS source, the player expects playback to start within a default timeout of 10 seconds. Should playback not start within that time frame, this error is thrown as well.

Please check the network conditions and ensure, that the manifest is available and can be loaded.


The progressive stream download timed out.

This error occurs when loading of a progressive source doesn't complete within the default timeout of 20 seconds. As the native player is used for progressive sources, the player expects playback to start within a default timeout of 10 seconds. Should playback not start within that time frame, this error is thrown as well.

Please check the network conditions and ensure, that the progressive source is available and can be loaded.


The segment download timed out.

This error occurs when the segment download does not complete within the default timeout of 20 seconds, and the request was therefore aborted, which is usually an indication of a poor network connection.

When a segment download fails due to a timeout, the player will attempt to load the same segment again from a different CDN/origin. This error is not thrown when segment downloads fail for DASH live streams, as segments that couldn't be downloaded are skipped without throwing an error in that case.

Please check the network conditions and ensure, that the segments are available and can be loaded.


The transmuxer could not be initialized.

This error can occur when an error is encountered during transmuxer initialization. The transmuxer is used to convert HLS transport stream segments into fMP4 segments that can be played back using the HTML5 based player. This error mainly occurs because of issues during the setup of the transmuxer, and it may indicate that some dependencies like WebWorkers, the BlobBuilder or Blobs are not supported by the platform.

Please refer to the error message for the exact issue for the failure.


An error occurred while trying to demux or decode the content.

This error can occur when the browser or device is unable to either demux or decode the content. This can have a multitude of reasons, but it is usually an indication of there either being an issue with the asset itself, or the player not properly supporting the provided stream.

Furthermore, this error can be thrown whenever the video element throws a MEDIA_ERR_DECODE, which is also an indication of there being an underlying issue with the provided stream.

Some recommendation to identify the root cause for this issue:

  • ensure that there are no documented limitations for the used stream characteristics (e.g. codec, profile, bitrate, resolution, aspect ratio, frame rate, chroma subsampling, sampling rate, number of audio channels, etc.) on the respective platform
  • ensure that the stream characteristics in the manifest match the actual stream data
  • try playing the stream audio- or video-only, e.g. by removing the other mime type from the manifest, e.g. using the preprocessHttpResponse to narrow the demuxing/decoding issues down
  • try playing back a single and fixed audio or video quality, e.g. using onVideoAdaptation or onAudioAdaptation, as the issue may occur only with a certain set of qualities (e.g. only the highest video quality)
  • try using a stream validation tool to validate that there is no issue with the stream, e.g. the mediastreamvalidator for HLS streams
  • try inspecting the chrome://media-internals in Chrome, as they can also provide additional and detailed information about stream demuxing or decoding issues
  • try limiting the target buffer levels using the BufferConfig to reduce memory pressure and to avoid hitting potential hard limits for audio and video SourceBuffer sizes. Also consider enabling limitToPlayerSize.
  • if you are using Bitmovin Analytics, check the Session Log for additional information. Comparing the logs of multiple sessions for the same stream can help to identify patterns.

No relevant PSSH block data was found for the used key system. This issue is known to happen on Tizen 2016. If the pssh data is only present in the manifest and not in the init segments, Tizen2016 will fail to append the first data segment and the app will crash with no log or error.


The impression server URL provided in impressionServer does not match any of the available impression server URLs.

If impressionServer is not set, the default Bitmovin impression server is used. Please make sure that the specified impression server URL is valid.


The license server URL provided in licenseServer does not match any of the available license server URLs.

If licenseServer is not set, the default Bitmovin license server is used. Please make sure that the specified license server URL is valid.


The player license server did not grant playback for the given player key as specified in the PlayerConfig.

The most common cause for this error is that an incorrect or non-existing player key was specified in the PlayerConfig.


No PlayerConfig was provided when attempting to create a player instance. The PlayerConfig is used to set different configuration options, e.g. key, buffer or playback, and is required when creating a player instance.


const config = {
key: '<PLAYER-KEY>',
playback: {
autoplay: false,
muted: false

The player build is domain-locked and not authorized to play content on the current domain.

For domain-locked players, a list of allowed domains is specified at build time, and the player is only allowed to play back on the specified domains or subdomains of them.

Please make sure that the host name matches the specified domain or is a subdomain of it.


The player is not allowed to play back content on the current domain.

This error is usually caused by the domain not being added to the list of allowed domains in the dashboard and can usually be resolved by adding the current domain to it.





An attempt was made to create a player instance with a container element that is not an instance of HTMLElement.

Some common causes for this error are:

  • trying to create a player instance with a container element returned by document.getElementById(<id>), but using an incorrect ID
  • trying to create a player instance before the window has finished loading, therefore the container element is not yet an element of the DOM tree

Please ensure that the container element is available before creating the player instance.


Could not initialize the rendering engine, which is either using the Media Source Extensions if the Html5 player type is used or the native video element playback capabilities if the Native player type is used.

This error occurs when the platform does not support the PlayerType and StreamType for the provided SourceConfig on the current platform, and is therefore unable to instantiate a suitable rendering engine.

It can also occur when no suitable rendering engine is available for the PlayerType and StreamType specified in the preferredTech.

Ensure the following to fix the issue:


This site has been loaded using "file" protocol which is not supported. Please host the page using a web server (using http or https).


The manifest could not be loaded.

The manifest network request failed, please check the network request's response for the failure reason. In case an HLS stream was being loaded, this error can occur when either the multivariant playlist or all the media playlists failed to load.

The detailed failure reason can be found in the network request's response.

This error is only triggered after the manifest request has failed a certain number of times, based on the max_mpd_retries. By default, manifest requests are retried 2 times.


The downloaded segment is empty.

This error occurs whenever an empty MP4 init-segment was downloaded, which usually indicates that there is an underlying issue with the stream. It is therefore recommended to check the segments of the stream - there may be an issue on the encoding side that caused empty segments to be generated.

The ISO Viewer tool can be used to inspect ISO-BMFF formatted segments. For testing purposes, it is also possible to use the NetworkConfig to replace the corrupted empty segments.


The encryption method used by the source is not supported.

Currently, this error is thrown when an attempt is made to play back a SAMPLE-AES encrypted stream.

Consider using a different encryption method, if possible - for example AES-128.


The player encountered a problem which prevents playback of the current source.

Possible reasons for this error are:

  • None of the available representations had a compatible codec.
  • All DRM Licenses were tried but none resulted in a valid license.
  • All DRM Licenses reported "restricted-output" due to HDCP.
  • Connection to WebRTC source failed or was lost.

The Technology selected through the forceTechnology parameter, that was passed to the load method, is not supported on the current platform.

The forceTechnology parameter of the load call contains a PlayerType for the StreamType separated by a .. For example, by passing html5.hls as the second parameter to load, the player is instructed to play back a supplied HLS stream with the HTML5 technology.

When this error happens, consider using a valid technology string that is supported on the platform. Unless strictly necessary, consider not using the forced technology, as the player will then choose the best technology based on the platform and provided source.

The list of technologies supported by the current platform can be queried using the getSupportedTech method.


An error was encountered while playing, or trying to play back an HLS stream.

This error can occur while loading an HLS stream, usually while loading or parsing of the variant playlists. For example, this error can be thrown when all network requests for all variant playlists fail. In case parsing of any of the loaded playlists fails, this error will also be thrown.

Furthermore, this error can also occur when an HLS source is played back with the native player and the video element throws a playback error. In this case a more detailed failure reason may be included in the error message, if exposed by the video element.

Please check the error message in the event for the exact reason of the failure.


The SourceConfig provided to the load method is invalid. Ensure that the SourceConfig contains at least one valid source URL for any of the supported stream types on the current platform.

Common causes for this error include:

  • play was called before a source has been loaded
  • an empty SourceConfig object, or an object containing only empty strings instead of URLs was provided
  • the SourceConfig object didn't contain dash, hls, progressive or smooth keys
  • the provided source URL is not of type string

The following examples show a few invalid source objects.


source = {};

source = {
poster: '',

In contrast, the following examples shows a valid source object.


source = {
title: 'Art of Motion',
description: 'What is this event... Parcour?',
dash: '',
hls: '',
progressive: '',
poster: ''

The downloaded manifest is invalid.

This error is fired when the downloaded manifest is not valid or could not be parsed. Different stream types might fail because of different validation issues in the manifest.

For DASH, some of common issues are:

  • the XML manifest is not valid, for example, some tags are missing or not closed
  • the XML manifest is valid, but there is no Period tag or the Period tag is empty
  • an unsupported manifest scheme was detected - the supported schemes are SegmentTemplate, SegmentTimeline, SegmentList and SegmentBase

For HLS, some of common issues are:

  • the master playlist does not contain any variant playlists
  • the variant playlist does not contain any segments
  • the master playlist does not contain codec information and probing the codec from the segments failed

One common failure reason is that an incorrect key was specified in the SourceConfig. For example, specifying an hls source in the source config, but inserting a URL to a DASH manifest instead, would cause this error to be thrown.

Please check for the above issues in the manifest and also consider validating the manifest with a validation tool.


The current platform doesn't support any of the technologies needed to play back any of the sources provided in the SourceConfig.

This can also happen when forceTechnology is provided to the load method as the second parameter, and the desired PlayerType and StreamType combination is not supported on the current platform.

Consider using a Technology supported by the current platform, and make sure a supported stream type is present in the SourceConfig. Not specifying a forceTechnology for the load method might also let player to choose the best technology based on platform support.

The list of technologies supported by the current platform can be queried using the getSupportedTech method.


The platform does not support any of the technologies needed to play back the provided source.

The error is fired when there is no support for any of the stream types on the current platform for the provided SourceConfig. Different platforms support different PlayerType for a given StreamType in the SourceConfig.

Additionally, in case a preferredTech was specified, the platform may not support the desired PlayerType and StreamType combination, which would also cause this error to be thrown.

Some ways to fix this issue:

  • ensure that at least one of the stream types specified in the SourceConfig is supported on the platform
  • remove preferredTech or set it to a Technology that is supported on the platform

The list of technologies supported by the current platform can be queried using the getSupportedTech method.


The specified progressive stream type is not supported, or the SourceElement used to load the source has reported an error.

This error is only fired when the native player is used with a progressive source. In this case, playback is handled natively by the video element, and this error is thrown when a stream error is encountered by the video element.

Some common root causes for this error are:

  • the browser not being able to load the progressive source due to CORS restrictions
  • the browser not supporting the codec and/or container combination used by the asset

Please check the logged error message for more detailed info on what caused the error to be thrown.


The stream type is not supported.

This error happens when the SourceConfig does not contain a valid stream type, i.e. dash, hls, progressive or smooth. Also, when no PlayerType is supported on the platform for the stream type specified in the source, the error is triggered. The MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED error from the video element is also mapped to this error.

Please check the SourceConfig for the supported stream types. Also, consider using a stream type for which a PlayerType is supported on the current platform.


Error is unknown.

This error can happen during an ad playback when we encountered an error that we did not expect from the advertising module or the player. Most commonly these errors are during advertisement playback or when we try to play an advertisements and experience an error which we do not know about.

During video playback sometimes the playing device can throw an error which we have not identified yet. When this happens this error can be expected. Most common errors we track are PLAYBACK_VIDEO_DECODING_ERROR, NETWORK_ERROR, SOURCE_STREAM_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED. Usually happens when a segment is being pushed to the video element and the video element throws an error, which is not handled within the player. The error can occur when playback is started with corrupted segments or during initial loading and pushing of segments.


The used player technology not compatible with VR playback.

This error can occur when the loaded SourceConfig contains a VRConfig, but the current platform is not capable of playing back VR content with the chosen player technology. Depending on the platform, some StreamType are not supported for VR playback with some of the PlayerType. For example, VR playback is not supported with DASH sources in Safari.

Please make sure that current platform is capable of playing back the provided VR source.