AdBreakStarted event. The passed event is of type AdBreakEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.AdBreakFinished constant.
Is fired when the playback of an ad break has started. Several AdStarted and AdFinished events can follow before the ad break closes with an AdBreakFinished event. The passed event is of type AdBreakEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.AdBreakStarted constant.
Is fired when the user clicks on the ad. The passed event is of type AdClickedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.AdClicked constant.
Is fired when ad playback fails. The passed event is of type ErrorEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.AdError constant.
Is fired when the playback of an ad has been finished. The passed event is of type AdEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.AdFinished constant.
Is fired when the user interacts with an ad. For now this is only fired if a VPAID AdInteraction
event occurs.
The passed event is of type AdInteractionEvent.
Is fired when VPAID ad changes its linearity. The passed event is of type AdLinearityChangedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.AdLinearityChanged constant.
Is fired when the ad manifest has been successfully loaded. The passed event is of type AdManifestLoadedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.AdManifestLoaded constant.
Is fired when the playback of an ad has progressed over a quartile boundary. The passed event is of type AdQuartileEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.AdQuartile constant.
Is fired when an ad has been skipped. The passed event is of type AdEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.AdSkipped constant.
Is fired when the playback of an ad has been started. The passed event is of type AdEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.AdStarted constant.
Is fired when the airplay playback target turned available. The passed event is of type PlayerEventBase.
Is fired when a media element starts or stops AirPlay playback. The passed event is of type AirplayChangedEvent.
Is fired when the player's aspect ratio is changed, e.g. with a call to setAspectRatio. The passed event is of type AspectRatioChangedEvent.
Is fired before a new audio segment is downloaded. The passed event is of type AudioAdaptationEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.AudioAdaptation constant.
Is fired when a new audio track is added. The passed event is of type AudioTrackEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.AudioAdded constant.
v7.1.4 / v7.2.0
Is fired when the audio track is changed. It is also fired when a newly added track becomes enabled after the
SourceLoaded event. In this case and if no other track was enabled before, the sourceAudio
will be set to null
The passed event is of type AudioChangedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.AudioChanged constant.
Is fired when changing the downloaded audio quality is triggered, either by using setAudioQuality or due to automatic dynamic adaptation. The passed event is of type AudioDownloadQualityChangeEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.AudioDownloadQualityChange constant.
Is fired when the downloaded audio quality has been changed successfully. It is (not necessarily directly) preceded by an AudioDownloadQualityChange event. The passed event is of type AudioDownloadQualityChangedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.AudioDownloadQualityChanged constant.
Is fired when the played audio quality changed. The passed event is of type AudioPlaybackQualityChangedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.AudioPlaybackQualityChanged constant.
Is fired when one ore more audio representations have been added to the stream. The passed event is of type AudioQualityEvent.
Is fired when changing the audio quality is triggered by using setAudioQuality. The passed event is of type AudioQualityChangedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.AudioQualityChanged constant.
Is fired when one ore more audio representations have been removed from the stream. The passed event is of type AudioQualityEvent.
Is fired when an existing audio track is removed. The passed event is of type AudioTrackEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.AudioRemoved constant.
v7.1.4 / v7.2.0
Is fired when casting to another device, such as a ChromeCast, is available. The passed event is of type CastAvailableEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.CastAvailable constant.
Is fired when the casting has been initiated, but the user still needs to choose which device should be used. The passed event is of type PlayerEventBase.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.CastStart constant.
Is fired when the Cast app is either launched successfully or an active Cast session is resumed successfully. The passed event is of type CastStartedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.CastStarted constant.
Is fired when the casting is stopped. The passed event is of type PlayerEventBase.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.CastStopped constant.
Is fired when the user has chosen a cast device and the player is waiting for the device to get ready for playback. The passed event is of type CastWaitingForDeviceEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.CastWaitingForDevice constant.
Is fired when a subtitle entry transitions into the active status. The passed event is of type SubtitleCueEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.CueEnter constant.
Is fired when an active subtitle entry transitions into the inactive status. The passed event is of type SubtitleCueEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.CueExit constant.
Is fired when a subtitle is parsed from a stream, manifest or subtitle file. The passed event is of type SubtitleCueParsedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.CueParsed constant.
Is fired when either the start time, end time, or content of a cue changes. The passed event is of type SubtitleCueEvent.
For example, it is fired when a WebVTT cue contains timestamp tags:
00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.000
Welcome to the<00:00:02.000> Bitmovin Player!
This would result in the following events:
t = 0
: CueEnter:{
start: 0,
end: 5,
html: '<span>Welcome to the<span class="cue-future" style="visibility:hidden;"> Bitmovin Player!</span></span>',
text: 'Welcome to the Bitmovin Player!',
t = 2
: CueUpdate:{
start: 0,
end: 5,
html: '<span><span class="cue-past">Welcome to the</span> Bitmovin Player!</span>',
text: 'Welcome to the Bitmovin Player!',
t = 5
: CueExitNote that the text property does not change and always contains the full text content of the cue.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.CueUpdate constant.
Is fired if the player is paused or in buffering state and the timeShift offset has exceeded the available timeShift window. The passed event is of type PlayerEventBase.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.DVRWindowExceeded constant.
Is fired when the player instance is destroyed. The passed event is of type PlayerEventBase.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.Destroy constant.
Is fired immediately after a download finishes successfully, or if all retries of a download failed. The passed event is of type DownloadFinishedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.DownloadFinished constant.
Is fired after a DRM license request has finished and the returned license has been added to the key session. This event is not dispatched for FairPlay DRM.
The passed event is of type DrmLicenseAddedEvent
Is fired when the duration of a source changes. Is not fired for the initial duration of a source. The passed event is of type DurationChangedEvent.
Is fired when an error is encountered during setup (e.g. HTML5/JS cannot be used) or during playback. The passed event is of type ErrorEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.Error constant.
Is fired when the mode of the latency control mechanism changes. The passed event is of type LatencyModeChangedEvent.
Is fired after the licence call succeeded and the license is valid. The passed event is of type LicenseValidatedEvent.
Is fired after metadata (i.e. ID3 tags in HLS and EMSG in DASH) is parsed and when currentTime progresses to a point beyond the start of the metadata event. The passed event is of type MetadataEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.Metadata constant.
Is fired when DateRange metadata content changes while the metadata is active. The passed event is of type MetadataChangedEvent
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.MetadataChanged
Is fired as soon as metadata (i.e. ID3 tags in HLS and EMSG in DASH) is parsed. The passed event is of type MetadataParsedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.MetadataParsed constant.
Is fired when a module exposes a public API and the API is ready to be used and available at
, e.g. player.vr
for the VR module.
The passed event is of type ModuleReadyEvent.
Is fired when the player is muted. The passed event is of type UserInteractionEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.Muted constant.
Is fired when an overlay ad has been started. The passed event is of type AdEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.OverlayAdStarted constant.
Is fired when the player enters the pause state. The passed event is of type PlaybackEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.Paused constant.
Is fired when a period switch starts. The passed event is of type PlayerEventBase.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.PeriodSwitch constant.
Is fired when a period switch was performed. The passed event is of type PeriodSwitchedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.PeriodSwitched constant.
Is fired when the player enters the play state.
The passed event is of type PlaybackEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.Play constant.
Is fired when the playback of the current video has finished. The passed event is of type PlayerEventBase.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.PlaybackFinished constant.
Is fired when the playback speed is changed. The passed event is of type PlaybackSpeedChangedEvent.
Is fired when the player size is updated. The passed event is of type PlayerResizedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.PlayerResized constant.
Is fired when the player actually has started playback. The passed event is of type PlaybackEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.Playing constant.
Is fired when the player has enough data to start playback
The semantic of the Event changed in player version 8. Before v8 it was used to signal the end of the setup
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.Ready constant.
Is fired when the playback of an break has finished and the player is about to start restoring the main content. Is succeeded by a AdBreakFinished event once the main content has been restored.
Is fired periodically during seeking. Only applies to VoD streams, please refer to TimeShift for live. The passed event is of type SeekEvent.
It is only triggered through a public API call.
Using the startOffset does not trigger this event.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.Seek constant.
Is fired when seeking has been finished and data is available to continue playback. Only applies to VoD streams, please refer to TimeShifted for live. The passed event is of type PlayerEventBase.
It is only triggered through a public API call.
Using the startOffset does not trigger this event.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.Seeked constant.
Is fired when a segment is played back. The passed event is of type SegmentPlaybackEvent.
For HLS streams being played in the native
player technology, the native_hls_parsing
option needs to be enabled to receive this event.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.SegmentPlayback constant.
Is fired when a segment download has been finished, whether successful or not. The passed event is of type SegmentRequestFinishedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.SegmentRequestFinished constant.
Is fired when the airplay playback target picker is shown. The passed event is of type PlayerEventBase.
Is fired when a new source has finished loading. The passed event is of type PlayerEventBase.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.SourceLoaded constant.
Is fired when the current source has been unloaded. The passed event is of type PlayerEventBase.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.SourceUnloaded constant.
Is fired when the player ends stalling due to enough data in the buffer. The passed event is of type PlayerEventBase.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.StallEnded constant.
Is fired when the player begins to stall and to buffer due to an empty buffer. The passed event is of type PlayerEventBase.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.StallStarted constant.
Is fired when a new subtitles/captions track is added, for example using the addSubtitle API call or when in-stream closed captions are encountered. The passed event is of type SubtitleEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.SubtitleAdded constant.
Is fired when a subtitle is being disabled. The passed event is of type SubtitleEvent.
Is fired when a subtitle got disabled. The passed event is of type SubtitleEvent.
Is fired when a subtitle is being enabled. The passed event is of type SubtitleEvent.
Is fired when a subtitle got enabled. The passed event is of type SubtitleEvent.
Is fired when an external subtitle file has been removed so it is possible to update the controls accordingly. The passed event is of type SubtitleEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.SubtitleRemoved constant.
Is fired when the target latency for playback of a live stream changes. The passed event is of type TargetLatencyChangedEvent.
Is fired when the current playback time has changed. The passed event is of type PlaybackEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.TimeChanged constant.
Is fired periodically during time shifting. Only applies to live streams, please refer to Seek for VoD. The passed event is of type TimeShiftEvent.
It is only triggered through a public API call.
Using the startOffset does not trigger this event.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.TimeShift constant.
Is fired when time shifting has been finished and data is available to continue playback. Only applies to live streams, please refer to Seeked for VoD. The passed event is of type PlayerEventBase.
It is only triggered through a public API call.
Using the startOffset does not trigger this event.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.TimeShifted constant.
Is fired when the player is unmuted. The passed event is of type UserInteractionEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.Unmuted constant.
Is fired when the stereo mode during playback of VR content changes. The passed event is of type VRStereoChangedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.VRStereoChanged constant.
This event is fired when the VR viewing direction changes. The minimal interval between two consecutive event callbacks is specified through setViewingDirectionChangeEventInterval. The passed event is of type VRViewingDirectionChangeEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.VRViewingDirectionChange constant.
This event is fired when the VR viewing direction did not change more than the specified threshold in the last interval, after the VRViewingDirectionChange event was triggered. The threshold can be set through setViewingDirectionChangeThreshold. The passed event is of type VRViewingDirectionChangedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.VRViewingDirectionChanged constant.
Is fired before a new video segment is downloaded. The passed event is of type VideoAdaptationEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.VideoAdaptation constant.
Is fired when changing the downloaded video quality is triggered, either by using setVideoQuality or due to automatic dynamic adaptation. The passed event is of type VideoDownloadQualityChangeEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.VideoDownloadQualityChange constant.
Is fired when the downloaded video quality has been changed successfully. It is (not necessarily directly) preceded by an VideoDownloadQualityChange event. The passed event is of type VideoDownloadQualityChangedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.VideoDownloadQualityChanged constant.
Is fired when the displayed video quality changed. The passed event is of type VideoPlaybackQualityChangedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.VideoPlaybackQualityChanged constant.
Is fired when one ore more video representations have been added to the stream. The passed event is of type VideoQualityEvent.
Is fired when changing the video quality is triggered by using setVideoQuality. The passed event is of type VideoQualityChangedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.VideoQualityChanged constant.
Is fired when one ore more video representations have been removed from the stream. The passed event is of type VideoQualityEvent.
Is fired when the player's ViewMode is changed, e.g. with a call to setViewMode. The passed event is of type ViewModeChangedEvent.
Is fired when the volume is changed. The passed event is of type VolumeChangedEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.VolumeChanged constant.
Is fired when something happens which is not as serious as an error but could potentially affect playback or other functionalities. The passed event is of type WarningEvent.
Also accessible via the bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent.Warning constant.
Is fired when the playback of an ad break has ended and the main content has been restored. Is preceded by a