
  • Creates a UI manager with a single UI variant that will be permanently shown.


    • player: PlayerAPI

      the associated player of this UI

    • ui: UIContainer

      the UI to add to the player

    • Optionaluiconfig: UIConfig

      optional UI configuration

    Returns UIManager

  • Creates a UI manager with a list of UI variants that will be dynamically selected and switched according to the context of the UI.

    Every time the UI context changes, the conditions of the UI variants will be sequentially resolved and the first UI, whose condition evaluates to true, will be selected and displayed. The last variant in the list might omit the condition resolver and will be selected as default/fallback UI when all other conditions fail. If there is no fallback UI and all conditions fail, no UI will be displayed.


    • player: PlayerAPI

      the associated player of this UI

    • uiVariants: UIVariant[]

      a list of UI variants that will be dynamically switched

    • Optionaluiconfig: UIConfig

      optional UI configuration

    Returns UIManager



  • Adds a marker to the timeline. Does not check for duplicates/overlaps at the time.


    Returns void

  • Returns SubtitleSettingsManager

  • Removes a marker from the timeline (by reference) and returns true if the marker has been part of the timeline and successfully removed, or false if the marker could not be found and thus not removed.


    Returns boolean

  • Triggers a UI variant switch as triggered by events when automatic switching is enabled. It allows to overwrite properties of the UIConditionContext.


    • context: Partial<UIConditionContext> = {}

      an optional set of properties that overwrite properties of the automatically determined context

    • OptionalonShow: ((context: UIConditionContext) => void)

      a callback that is executed just before the new UI variant is shown (if a switch is happening)

    Returns void

  • Switches to a UI variant from the list returned by getUiVariants.


    • uiVariant: UIVariant

      the UI variant to switch to

    • OptionalonShow: (() => void)

      a callback that is executed just before the new UI variant is shown

        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns void

  • Provide configuration to support Custom UI languages default language: 'en'


    Returns void