
data class AdStarted(val clientType: AdSourceType?, val clickThroughUrl: String?, val indexInQueue: Int, val duration: Double, val timeOffset: Double, val position: String?, val skipOffset: Double, val ad: Ad? = null) : PlayerEvent

Emitted when the playback of an ad has started.


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constructor(clientType: AdSourceType?, clickThroughUrl: String?, indexInQueue: Int, duration: Double, timeOffset: Double, position: String?, skipOffset: Double, ad: Ad? = null)


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val ad: Ad? = null

The Ad this event is related to.

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The target URL to open once the user clicks on the ad.

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The AdSourceType of the started Ad.

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The duration of the ad in seconds.

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The index of the ad in the queue.

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The position of the corresponding Ad.

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The skip offset of the ad in seconds.

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The content time at which the Ad is played.