Package-level declarations

Contains API to enable advertising workflows.


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interface Ad

Defines basic properties available for every ad type

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interface AdBreak : AdConfig

Contains information about an ad break.

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Contains configuration options for an AdBreak.

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interface AdConfig

Contains the base configuration options for an ad.

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interface AdData

Holds various additional ad data. Refer to ImaAdData for more information on what additional data is available when using the Google IMA SDK implementation.

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data class AdItem(val sources: Array<AdSource>, val position: String = "pre", val replaceContentDuration: Double = 0.0, val preloadOffset: Double = 0.0) : Parcelable

Represents an ad break which can be scheduled for playback.

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Quartiles that can be reached during an ad playback.
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Can be implemented to gain access to the currently used IMA AdsManager.

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data class AdSource @JvmOverloads constructor(val type: AdSourceType, val tag: String, val vastLoadTimeout: Double = 8.0, val videoLoadTimeout: Double = 8.0) : Parcelable

Represents an ad source which can be assigned to an AdItem. An AdItem can have multiple AdSources as waterfalling option.

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enum AdSourceType : Enum<AdSourceType> , Parcelable

The available types an AdSource can have.

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class AdTag(val url: String, val type: AdTagType)

Defines the url and type of an ad manifest.

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interface AdTagConfig : AdConfig

Contains configuration options for an AdTag.

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Types that can be specified for an AdTag.

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data class AdvertisingConfig(val schedule: List<AdItem> = emptyList(), val companionAdContainers: List<CompanionAdContainer>? = null, var adsManagerAvailableCallback: AdsManagerAvailableCallback? = null, var beforeInitialization: BeforeInitializationCallback? = null, val imaUiElements: List<ImaUiElement>? = null, val ima: ImaConfig = ImaConfig(), val bitmovin: BitmovinAdvertisingConfig = BitmovinAdvertisingConfig(), val shouldPlayAdBreak: ShouldPlayAdBreakCallback = ShouldPlayAdBreakCallback { true }) : Parcelable

Contains configuration values regarding the ads which should be played back by the player.

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A callback to be invoked before IMA initialization, exposing the IMA settings.

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data class CompanionAdContainer(val container: ViewGroup, val width: Int, val height: Int)
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interface LinearAd : Ad

Defines a linear ad which requires the playback of the content to stop

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data class LinearAdUiConfig(val requestsUi: Boolean)
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interface OverlayAd : Ad

Defines an ad which gets displayed during content playback

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Can be implemented to receive a callback every time an ad break is about to start.