
interface LowLatencyApi

Provides the means to configure low latency settings and to query the current low latency state. Accessible through Player.lowLatency.

The player will try to keep the latency as close as possible to the targetLatency while avoiding stalls by changing the playback rate or timeshifting if too far as configured by catchupConfig and fallbackConfig.


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The current LowLatencySynchronizationConfig for catchup or null if no catchup config is set or there is no active playback session.

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The current LowLatencySynchronizationConfig for fallback or null if no fallback config is set or there is no active playback session.

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abstract val latency: Double

The offset in seconds between the current position and the current real time, or -1 if the source is not a live stream or the offset to the current real time is not known.

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abstract var targetLatency: Double

The offset in seconds between the target playhead time and the real time, or window edge, if the offset to current real time is not known.