Loads, controls and renders audio and video content represented through Sources. A player instance can be created via the Player() function and will idle until one or more Sources are loaded. Once load is called, the player starts a playback session and initiates necessary downloads to start playback of the loaded source(s).
In case multiple sources were loaded into the player, Source.isActive identifies which source is currently active in the playback session. Only one source can be active at any time and API calls on the player will act on that source. More information on how to manage multiple sources can be found on the PlaylistApi.
The player emits events during its lifecycle. See EventEmitter on how to subscribe to events. Events are divided into PlayerEvent and SourceEvent, depending on if they are specific to the player and playback session as a whole or a source. While SourceEvents are naturally emitted from a source, they are also emitted from the player for the active source. This allows for all event handling to be done through the player in case only a single source is loaded, enabling the same workflows as on v2 of the Bitmovin Player SDK, where it was not possible to load multiple sources and where each event was a PlayerEvent.
The player implements the RemoteControlApi, which offers the ability to connect to a cast-compatible device, allowing remote playback of the loaded sources.
By default, a player instance does not provide any UI components. To use the default Bitmovin Player Web UI, a player instance can be attached to a PlayerView. The PlayerView already comes with a Surface to render video into, a ViewGroup to display ads, the Bitmovin Player Web UI and handling for standard UI use-cases. If a custom UI is preferred, a Surface must be provided to the player via setSurface and a ViewGroup must be set via setAdViewGroup if advertising features are needed.
A note on threading:
The Player instance must be created and accessed on the application's main thread.
The currently selected AudioTrack or null if there is none.
The currently selected AudioQuality.
A list of all available AudioTracks of the active source. SourceEvent.AudioTrackAdded signals when a new AudioTrack becomes available.
A list of the available AudioQualitys of the currently selected AudioTrack of the active source.
A list of all available SubtitleTracks of the active source and the "off" subtitle track.
A list of all available VideoQualitys of the active source.
The player config.
The current playback time of the active source or ad in seconds.
The current video frame rate as frames per second.
The total number of dropped frames since playback in the active playback session has started.
The LowLatencyApi for interactions regarding low latency.
The limit in seconds for time shifting. This value is either negative or 0 and it is always 0 if the active source is not a live stream or there is no active playback session.
The AudioQuality that is currently being played back or null if no audio is currently being played back. The returned quality always represents the actual current audio quality, while audioQuality represents what the player is working towards playing (e.g. a new quality can be selected even though it is not being played yet).
The playback speed of the player. Slow motion can be achieved by setting the speed to values between 0 and 1, while fast forward is possible with values greater than 1. Values that are less than or equal to zero are ignored.
The offset between a playback time of the active source and its absolute representation. Adding this value to a playback time provided by the player (e.g. currentTime), will always result in an absolute timestamp.
The offset between a playback time of the active source and its relative representation. Adding this value to a playback time provided by the player (e.g. currentTime), will always result in a relative timestamp.
The VideoQuality that is currently being played back or null if no video is currently being played back. The returned quality always represents the actual current video quality, while videoQuality represents what the player is working towards playing (e.g. a new quality can be selected even though it is not being played yet).
The PlaylistApi for interactions regarding the playlist.
The currently selected SubtitleTrack or null if there is none.
The currently selected VideoQuality.
Starts a new playback session consisting of PlaylistConfig.sources. The first source in the playlistConfig becomes active immediately.
Starts a new playback session consisting of the source.
Starts a new playback session consisting of a Source based on the provided sourceConfig.
Starts preloading the content of the active Source. This is already done by default when a new playback session is started if not explicitly disabled via AdaptationConfig.preload.
Removes the existing SubtitleTrack with trackId from the list of available subtitle tracks. If the track is currently selected, it will be de-selected and then removed. If no SubtitleTrack with the given trackId exists, the call has no effect. Use setSubtitle to just disable but not remove an active SubtitleTrack.
Schedules the adItem for playback.
Sets the ViewGroup in which the ad and the ad UI should be created.
Enables the AudioTrack that corresponds to the trackId. A list of currently available AudioTracks can be retrieved via availableAudio.
Sets a fixed AudioQuality, identified by the qualityId. A list of currently available AudioQualitys can be retrieved via availableAudioQualities. To reset to automatic quality selection, Quality.AUTO_ID can be passed in as the qualityId.
Sets the upper bitrate boundary for video qualities to bitrate. All qualities with a bitrate that is higher than this threshold will not be eligible for automatic quality selection, although they are still available for manual quality selection.
Enables the SubtitleTrack that corresponds to the trackId. A list of currently available SubtitleTracks can be retrieved via availableSubtitles. Providing null as the trackId disables subtitles.
Sets the Surface onto which video will be rendered. The caller is responsible for tracking the lifecycle of the surface, and must clear the surface by calling setSurface(null)
if the surface is destroyed.
Sets the SurfaceHolder that holds the Surface onto which video will be rendered. The player tracks the life cycle of the surface automatically.
Sets the TextureView onto which video will be rendered. The player will track the lifecycle of the texture automatically.
Sets a fixed VideoQuality identified by the qualityId. A list of currently available VideoQualitys can be retrieved via availableVideoQualities. To reset to automatic quality selection, Quality.AUTO_ID can be passed in as the qualityId.
Skips the current ad. A successful skip is signaled via PlayerEvent.AdSkipped.
Shifts the time to the given offset in seconds from the live edge. The resulting offset has to be within the timeShift window as specified by maxTimeShift (which is a negative value) and 0. When the provided offset is positive, it will be interpreted as a UNIX timestamp in seconds and converted to fit into the timeShift window. When the provided offset is negative, but lower than maxTimeShift, then it will be clamped to maxTimeShift. Has no effect for VoD.