
class SubtitleView @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null) : SubtitleRendererView

A view that renders subtitles for a Player. Can be used to customize subtitles rendering when subtitles are not already rendered as part of the PlayerView's UI handling (see UiConfig.Disabled).


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constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null)


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open override fun setApplyEmbeddedFontSizes(applyEmbeddedFontSizes: Boolean)

Sets whether font sizes embedded within the cues should be applied. Enabled by default. Only takes effect if setApplyEmbeddedStyles is set to true.

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open override fun setApplyEmbeddedStyles(applyEmbeddedStyles: Boolean)

Sets whether styling embedded within the cues should be applied. Enabled by default. Overrides any setting made with setApplyEmbeddedFontSizes.

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open override fun setBottomPaddingFraction(bottomPaddingFraction: Float)

Sets the bottom padding fraction to apply when getLine is DIMEN_UNSET, as a fraction of the view's remaining height after its top and bottom padding have been subtracted.

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open override fun setFixedTextSize(unit: Int, size: Float)

Set the text size to a given unit and value.

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open override fun setFractionalTextSize(fractionOfHeight: Float)

Sets the text size to be a fraction of the views remaining height after its top and bottom padding have been subtracted.

open override fun setFractionalTextSize(fractionOfHeight: Float, ignorePadding: Boolean)

Sets the text size to be a fraction of the height of this view.

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open override fun setPlayer(player: Player?)

Set the Player for which the Cues should be rendered.

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open override fun setStyle(style: CaptionStyle)

Sets the caption style.

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open override fun setUserDefaultStyle()

Sets the caption style to be equivalent to the one returned by getUserStyle, or to a default style before API level 19.

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open override fun setUserDefaultTextSize()

Sets the text size to one derived from getFontScale, or to a default size before API level 19.