
class AdaptationConfig(var initialBandwidthEstimateOverride: Long? = null, var maxSelectableVideoBitrate: Int = DEFAULT_MAX_SELECTABLE_VIDEO_BITRATE, var isRebufferingAllowed: Boolean = true, var preload: Boolean = DEFAULT_PRELOAD) : Parcelable

Configures the adaptation logic.


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constructor(startupBitrate: Int, maxSelectableVideoBitrate: Int = DEFAULT_MAX_SELECTABLE_VIDEO_BITRATE, isRebufferingAllowed: Boolean = true, preload: Boolean = DEFAULT_PRELOAD)
constructor(initialBandwidthEstimateOverride: Long? = null, maxSelectableVideoBitrate: Int = DEFAULT_MAX_SELECTABLE_VIDEO_BITRATE, isRebufferingAllowed: Boolean = true, preload: Boolean = DEFAULT_PRELOAD)


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The initial bandwidth estimate in bits per second the player uses to select the optimal media tracks before actual bandwidth data is available. Overriding this value should only be done in specific cases and will most of the time not result in better selection logic.

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Specifies whether rebuffering is allowed. Default value is true.

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Specifies the upper bitrate boundary for video qualities. All qualities above this threshold will not be selected by the ABR logic. These qualities are still available for manual quality selection.

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Specifies whether the player preloads the content. Default value is true.

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A callback to customize the player's adaptation logic. VideoAdaptation.onVideoAdaptation is called before the player tries to download a new video segment.