
location : {
vr: 'MY_VR_FOLDER/my_bitmovinplayer-vr.js',
ui: 'MY_JS_FOLDER/my_bitmovinplayer-ui.js',
ui_css: 'MY_CSS_FOLDER/my_bitmovinplayer-ui.css',
cast: 'https://www.gstatic.com/cv/js/sender/v1/cast_sender.js?loadCastFramework=1',
google_ima: 'https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/ima3.js'


  • LocationConfig


cast?: string

The URL of the Google Cast Chrome Sender API library.

Default URL: https://www.gstatic.com/cv/js/sender/v1/cast_sender.js?loadCastFramework=1

google_ima?: string

The URL of the Google IMA Framework.

Default URL: https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/ima3.js


Use ImaAdvertisingConfig.sdkUrl instead.

serviceworker?: string

Specifies the path, relative or absolute, to the service worker JS file.

If no URL is provided but the bitmovin-serviceworker.js module is added, the setup will fail with SETUP_SERVICE_WORKER_LOCATION_MISSING

Preconditions for the ServiceWorker to work:

  • This property has to be set to the URL of a ServiceWorker implementation
  • This file has to be placed on the same level as the serving HTML page
  • The content source used with the player has to enable CORS

Supported events when ServiceWorker is enabled:

Supported API with ServiceWorker:

ui?: string

Specifies the path, relative or absolute, to the Bitmovin Player UI/skin JavaScript file.

Default name: bitmovinplayer-ui.js

ui_css?: string

Specifies the path, relative or absolute, to the style sheet of the Bitmovin Player UI/skin.

Default name: bitmovinplayer-ui.css

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