The platform does not support any of the technologies needed to play back the provided source.

The error is fired when there is no support for any of the stream types on the current platform for the provided SourceConfig. Different platforms support different PlayerType for a given StreamType in the SourceConfig.

Additionally, in case a preferredTech was specified, the platform may not support the desired PlayerType and StreamType combination, which would also cause this error to be thrown.

Some ways to fix this issue:

  • ensure that at least one of the stream types specified in the SourceConfig is supported on the platform
  • remove preferredTech or set it to a Technology that is supported on the platform

Troubleshooting steps for no supported technology on a platform

  • Make sure the platform supports the required technology and stream type combinations. The list of technologies supported by the current platform can be queried using the getSupportedTech method


    // Example supported tech on Mac with Chrome browser
    var supportedTech = player.getSupportedTech();
    "player": "html5",
    "streaming": "dash"
    "player": "html5",
    "streaming": "hls"
    "player": "html5",
    "streaming": "smooth"
    "player": "native",
    "streaming": "progressive"

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