audioSpecify the priority of audi codecs. If more than one audio codec is available this order will be respected
finding a codec which is supported by the current browser.
If there is a codec which is not in this priority list, it will be tried only if none of this list are available
/ supported Default is ['ec-4', 'ac-4', 'ec-3', 'mp4a.a6', 'ac-3', 'mp4a.a5', 'mp4a.40']
audioDefines one or more audio languages which should be used in the specified order on start up.
autoplayWhether the player starts playing after loading a source or not (false
, default).
Note that unmuted autoplay is blocked on several browsers, check for Warning with code
PLAYBACK_COULD_NOT_BE_STARTED for detecting the blocking.
isDetermines if the subtitle should be selected by the player per default and kept in sync with the selected audio language. The subtitle will not appear in list and can't be deactivated or activated through the API.
Per default subtitle tracks with forced=true
will be selected.
In case of DASH these are subtitles with the role forced_subtitle
and in case of HLS
subtitles with the attribute FORCED=YES
mutedWhether the sound is muted on startup or not (false
, default).
playsWhether to add the playsinline attribute to the video element or not. This stops videos immediately going fullscreen after starting playback on iOS for example. Default is true.
preferredAn array of objects to specify the player and streaming technology order to use. If the first is supported, this technologies are used. If not, the second is tried etc. If none of the specified combinations are supported, then a SOURCE_NO_SUPPORTED_TECHNOLOGY will be thrown.
Player technologies:
refers to the MediaSource Extension (MSE) based JavaScript playernative
refers to the browser’s native capabilities are being used, e.g. playing back HLS in Safari on iOSCurrently supported combinations:
{ player: 'html5', streaming: 'dash'}
{ player: 'html5', streaming: 'hls'}
{ player: 'html5', streaming: 'smooth'}
{ player: 'native', streaming: 'hls'}
{ player: 'native', streaming: 'progressive'}
preferredTech : [{
player: 'html5',
streaming: 'dash'
}, {
player: 'native',
streaming: 'hls'
seekingWhether to allow seeking or not. Default is true.
subtitleDefines one or more subtitle languages which should be used in the specified order on start up.
timeEnables time shift / DVR for live streams. Default is true
(enabled). If time shift is disabled
(set to false
), the timeline (scrub bar) will not be shown any more.
videoSpecify the priority of video codecs for this source. If more than one video codec is available this order will
be respected while finding a codec which is supported by the current browser. If there is a codec which is not
in this priority list, it will be tried only if none of this list are available / supported.
Default is ['dvhe', 'dvh1', 'av1', 'hevc', 'hev', 'hvc', 'vp9', 'avc']
volumeDefines the volume level of the player when started for the first time. Default value is 100.
Generated using TypeDoc
Config to determine the initial playback state of the Player.
All options passed in this config, will be considered as the starting state of the player, therefore no events will be triggered signaling a potential change compared to the player default logic.